
Fall Festival...

What fun!?  Bryson and Will's school had a fall festival and so we all decided to take the kids!  Let me just tell you....what a killin' a school makes when they do one of these things!  We paid $15 for an arm band that let each kid do everything EXCEPT paint a pumpkin, get their face painted, get a carmel apple, basically everything a kid really wants to do!!  This arm band let Wilkins pull a duck out of the duck pond in which she won a pencil and throw a ball to get it in a can (like ski ball) to win a piece of candy!  Are you serious?! Did it really cost this much money when we were younger?!  I definitely remember it being a lot more entertaining too...
I mean don't get me wrong the kids had a blast but I didn't remember it being this boring and such a waste of money!!!  I must be getting old!! 

Here is a picture of my little artist's pumpkin...I see real potential!!!

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