
It's been so long....

....since I have blogged!  The problem is I have been in kind of a funk lately.  I have put off blogging because I really haven't had anything great to talk about but you all read the good things so now you will have to read the not so good things.

I am sure you have all heard by now that LeAnne is moving back to Alabama :(

I, of course, don't want her to move but if it is what is meant to be then I can accept it.  I can't imagine her not living right down the road and I can't imagine not seeing the kids basically every single day (tears)!!  What breaks my heart the most is that Wilkins won't have her Yaya here.  She is so attached to LeAnne and I know that once LeAnne moves almost 3 hours away the relationship between them won't be the same.  It won't be like it was when she lived there before because now all of her kids will be in school, I work and go to school full time so we can't just pick up and go when we want to. 

I, only hope and pray that one day they will move back to Tennessee.  What is meant to be will be.  That's my motto...if things aren't working out smoothly then maybe you are going against God's plan.  Things come together when it is right.

On to something else now...I am contemplating getting my own place.  Those of you who don't know I live in the upstairs of my parent's house.  When Wilkins was small it just made more sense because my mom was coming to my house @ 4am so that I could go to work.  Though my hours haven't really changed Wilkins is a little older and it is time for us to strike out on our own.  Without the help of my mom and my sisters I wouldn't even be able to work where I work so now I am weighing out my options.  If I have to be at work at 5am then can I stand taking Wilkins to my mom's to spend the night?!  I am just going to see what happens for now...if it is meant to be it will.

My mind is all over the place right now with work, school, and home.  Such big decisions to be made that I am afraid I might make the wrong one.  Trying to find the path that is right for Wilkins and myself....

1 comment:

  1. Bless you child - wish I had the answer - and I'm sure your mom wishes she did too. She's probably in a worse funk than you are!!!! Or then again - maybe not, because she's had a lot of experience knowing that God takes care of us even when we can't see a way. :-) Hang in there - if you feel Him nudge you, follow it. He probably won't send a handwritten note to tell you what to do. (Although I think He has hit me in the head with a brick a time or two when I wasn't paying attention. . .) Love you, kid!
